Morteza Homapour

Morteza Homapour, the husband, father and the founder of Visa Mondial, earned his graduate degree in management from the highly prestigious Allameh Tabataba’i University, Iran.

After completing his graduation, he pursued a master’s degree in Canadian Immigration Laws and completed it with distinction. Along with a phenomenal educational background, Homapour has a huge interest in foreign languages, traveling, and meeting new people, and cultures.

In 2007, he started working in ESL Management based on his interest in foreign languages. In 2009, he established a language teaching network named HLH Language Schools in Iran. This network has various branches across Iran.

While staying in Iran, he started working for the offices of international student recruitment to earn experience in entrepreneurship and advisory services.

After gaining viable experience, he moved to Canada to study immigration law. After completing his studies, he started working as a Canadian Immigration Consultant. As a member of CICC (RCIC #: R514558), he possesses the authority to verify the credentials of the British Columbia Government.

In 2013, he started a new endeavor, Visa Mondial International Company, to provide immigration and student recruitment services at the global level. He has organized various seminars and events in Germany, the UAE, Turkey, Spain, the US, France, and Canada as a part of Visa Mondial. Having an experience with different cultures and languages, Homapour can speak Farsi, Turkish, French, and English fluently.

As immigration and VISA consultation specialist, Homapour has written a huge number of articles and educational materials that are available on the official website of Visa Mondial. As far as his work experience is concerned, he has provided professional consultations to more than 4000 individual clients in the past 9 years. He has also helped hundreds of businessmen and businesswomen to start their businesses in Canada.

As of now, Visa Mondial is serving as one of the leading immigration websites at the global level. Homapour is managing a team of around 130 employees under the banner of Visa Mondial. After gaining a huge experience of living and staying in over 20 countries, he is currently living in Vancouver, Canada.

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