Canadian Institutions: Get Started with Live Sessions

Canadian Institutions:

Get Started with Live Sessions

Are you looking to expand your reach, connect with prospective students, and attract top talent to your Canadian institution? Look no further than Instagram Live sessions! Partner with Visa Mondial, the leading Canadian immigration services provider, for engaging and interactive sessions that resonate with the digital generation.

Why Choose Us?

We are a team of experienced and certified immigration consultants who have helped thousands of students from different countries to study in Canada. We partner with many reputable educational institutions in Canada and offer personalized guidance and support throughout the entire process.

Key Benefits for You from Participating in Our Instagram Live Sessions

Exploring Our Instagram Lives

Showcasing Our History

Successful Collaborations with Educational Institutions

Join us on our Instagram Lives where we cover a range of topics including:

Stay tuned for further details!

Trusted Partners Who Joined Us

Feedback From Our Partners

Morteza Homapour

Morteza Homapour, CEO of Visa Mondial, is an immigration consultant with over a decade of experience. Visa Mondial, recognized for its extensive tenure in the field, is a prominent figure in facilitating student immigration to Canada.

Morteza Hamapour's cooperation with ICEF

Schedule Your Live Session

Book Your Spot Now

Fill out the form below to request a live Instagram session with us. We will contact you to confirm the date and time.

"*" indicates required fields

For WhatsApp
Business Account
Type of Educational Institution*

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Our Live sessions usually start at 10:30 AM Vancouver time.
Your Preferred Time for the Live Session
Please provide a concise biography including your professional background, areas of expertise, and any notable achievements.

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